You Lookin' at My Jugs? Use Gallon Milk Jugs to Make Hand Windshields on Your Bike

Sure, you can wear three pairs of gloves, ride with pogies, or use a fairing. Or you can make up homemade windshields for a few pennies. All you have to do is cut away half of a plastic gallon container, then secure it onto your handlebars using some tape. If you want to go the extra step, line your milk jug windscreens. I found some fancy fake fur at the thrift store (warning to animal lovers - a pink stuffed rabbit was harmed in the making of this project), and attached it with rubber cement.
I'm the type of person who has cold finger all winter long. In fact, they're cold at this very moment, as I'm sitting here typing. And my fingers get cold in a jiff when I'm riding in the winter. But these inexpensive homemade windshields have made my rides much more comfy. I imagine these wouldn't be the best choice for extreme cold, but they work quite well for the type of riding I do in the winter.
The only real down side is the attention they attract. I keep having to fend off stares by shouting, you lookin' at my jugs?