In Praise of Bug-Eaten Produce

So why can't I get anyone to share them?
I've asked family. I've asked friends. I've asked neighbors. I'm crushed; nobody wants my apples.
I'll tell you why. They have bugs.
When I offer to share my apples, I'm always certain to include a warning that they grew on my tree in the backyard, so most of the apples are imperfect and have worm holes. At the very mention of bugs, I see the light shut off in people's faces. The conversation is finished. Over and again, my offer of delicious free apples is refused.
Here's the thing. Grocery store apples are the picture of cookie-cutter perfection. They're bred for good looks, hybridized sweetness, and shipability. What about taste - not just sweetness, but nuances of flavor, tart and floral and earthy? And what are those shining illusion of apple perfection hiding? There could be the residues of multiple pesticides on that beauty contest winner, or worse (apples genetically modified to taste of cinnamon could land in your store in the near future), you just don't know.
So you see, a few bug holes aren't necessarily a bad thing. For me, they're more of a seal of approval. I see bug holes less as blemishes, and more as Mamma N's way of telling me "there's nothing here that would so much as harm a bug, so go ahead and enjoy." My apples grew without the tiniest drop of pesticides or chemical fertilizers. The fact that the bugs have happily indulged in more than a few meals is just proof-positive that the apples are safe to eat. Mind you, there is a difference between a few holes here and there, and produce which has been overrun with bugs, which is generally a sign of weakness, either in the soil or the plant. But, in general, a few bug bites can be a good thing.

Keep this in mind when shopping for organic produce... or if a neighbor should offer you apples.
I'm sharing this post with Fight Back Friday.